4) Reserve NFTs
This will be the last step of NFT creation process. Almost there! Reserve NFTs is an optional function, please see details on the page.
About Reserve NFTs
Reserve NFTs is an optional function.
Some projects will reserve some NFTs for to reward the team, or use them for future business development purpose. However, please be transparent to the community about this decision. When you enable this function, you decision and the amount of reserved NFTs will be displayed on ManeSPACE as public information.
When you enable this function, click to select, or use the filter to narrow down the range.
Confirm reservation at the bottom of the page, and you have now finished creating artworks.
What happens when I reserve NFTs?
The selected NFTs will be minted to your wallet when you deploy smart contract in the next step.
Reserve NFTs means selected NFTs will be minted to your wallet, and this process will increase gas usage while deploying contract. The more NFTs you reserve, the more gas fee the transaction will cost.
Last updated